Welcome ...

Located in Sandbach town, near to the railway station, Car Clinic, the Citroen Centre has been trading for over 21 years and is a family run business. Our aims are to provide the customer with an agent quality service with top quality original equipment at a realistic price from our secure, modern and fully equipped industrial unit, with up to date equipment for diagnosis and repair.

While we have made a name for ourselves in the Citroen/Peugeot market, we also service and repair any make and model of vehicle, including fleet vehicles and vans, with a speedy turnaround to keep you on the road.
Tuesday, February 28


Vehicle electronics are becoming increasingly complex. Where once you only had to turn a key and off you go, cars now have their very own brain running all sorts of sensors and automatic functions.

Do you remember you used to have to wind your own windows down and didn't need your car to tell you you hadn't shut the door or put your seat belt on! Its all very well and good, but the price paid is that if things go wrong, they can go wrong quite spectacularly and can cause major problems with finding the fault.

We have all the up to date equipment for fault finding but often it is not a straight forward as plugging in and being told what the problem is. A great deal of electronics skill is required to read the car and trace the fault and it can be very time consuming and frustrating as the fault is sometimes very well hidden. Things are moving at a fast pace in vehicle technology and James has headed off to Chester this morning for a 2 day course in Electronics for a bit of an update as this seems to be an area we are increasingly getting involved in. Im sure he will return refreshed and brimming with lots of new knowledge.


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